donderdag 18 juni 2015

Napoleon and the "Battle of Media"

On june 16, we saw again in a Dutch television program "Een vandaag", an example of opinion making in a bad way. It was an item about the Battle of Waterloo, 200 years ago.
The way of speaking by the so called experts, was more than annoying for those who have really deepened himself in the life and work of Napoleon Bonaparte.
The image of a warlike dictator had been digged up again.
No words about it, that mostly all the wars had been forced on him.
Nothing been told, that he was tricked by the English and betrayed by the tsar, hanging his ears to the Church.
Wherever Napoleon ruled over, the living conditions for the population became better.
No word about this.
That Napoleon gave civil rights to the Jews, that he, as one of the first, may be the only one, had his men at his side and that he had been chosen in 1800, by almost the whole French nation as their leader..... Nothing!
Yes, he has really given content to: Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood!
He has been trapped by the cooperation between the European monarchies and the Church.
Still that, the media presents us nowadays a complete false image of Napoleon Bonaparte.
And last but not least, he is surely killed during the years on St.Helena!

Keep alive

P.S. Englih is not my native language!

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