vrijdag 3 april 2015

Good Friday..... "As if".

Good Friday!
For many people, is Good Friday a reality.
Long time ago has Jesus been crucified and today is the day to commemorate His crucifixion.
Everyone has the right to believe this.
But, is it possible to understand this in a different way?

If you take the Gospel of Jesus literally, it will be a dogma. Because, it comes from the bible, or the minister preaches it. Or your parents have told you this and you took it for granted.

So far so good, we agree with each other. 
But for Christians, there is something more, they believe that Jesus arised from dead.
This can be called, real believe.
Because a believer doesn't need prove. If you can prove it, it's no longer a Believe. Do you understand the difference?

The last but one note of the Matthew Passion from J.S.Bach is a dissonant. This dissonant is cured by the last note.
It is Bach's way to show that it doesn't end here.
Something to think about.

Keep alive

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