woensdag 21 oktober 2015

A change on my blog!

Since half a year, I write on my blog articels about several items, mostly my thoughts about political philosophy, music and photos.

Now I start a new blog into Dutch, about dogmatically religion and abuse within it.
As long as religion, belief is doing yourself good, let it so. We all need something to believe in.
As soon as it makes you to a slave or hurts you, or it becomes an addiction, it is wrong. In my opinion, it can't be tolerated.

I became a victim of wrong belief. I have been a member of two several christian cults, in total 17 years.
In both cases I decided to leave those groups on my own.
It took a lot of time, to understand, that not I was guilty, wrong, but that the system, freedom of religion, is wrong.

After I had left the last cult, I met my husband. Thanks to his knowledge and love for me, it was possible for me to heal. But I also experienced, that I could not talk about it, in the society, with people around me. That makes you feel lonely.
I wrote a book about those years, into Dutch and soon this book will be ready.

I will continue this blog.
Till now, I don't know how I will do this. Political issues, music, photos, about Småland/Sweden?!
The label ( as if) will dissapear.
(to translate in: if religion becomes a prison).

Albert Schweitzer said once:
"The only escape from the miseries of life, are music and cats.....!"
Life is for me not a misery, but sometimes tough!
But Albert, we have a grand piano and our cat Isabo, so.....!!!

Keep alive

P.S. English is not my native language!

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