zaterdag 11 juli 2015

Return of fascism in Spain?!

A new law kills the principals of : Freedom, Equality and Brotherhood!

Since july 1, 2015, the new "gag law" brings the people in Spain back to the years of Franco, with fines ranging between €100 and €600.000,- .
Some of those points in the new law, to be financial punished for, are:

1- No protesting
2- Disrupting public events
3- Drinking in outdoor sessions, together with mates
4- Use social media to call on people to protest
5- Photographing police
6- Smoking weed
7- Leaving furniture in the street
8- Trying to stop an eviction
9- Not having your ID
10-Disrespecting a police officer.

(To read on f.e.

The "gag law" is the return of fascism in Spain. For more than 200 years, the Europeans have a number of freedoms, f.e. freedom of assembly, freedom of speech. Those freedoms goes back to the French Revolution and the period of Napoleon Bonaparte, who poured these freedoms in laws.
He was the "executeur testamentaire" of the French Revolution.
What started in France, became common for whole Western Europe.
Too often do we overlook the fact, that the muslim world never took part in these freedoms.

Fascists will never accept those freedoms of the people.
What we now see, is a new shape of a new war. Not by fire, no atomic weapons, but by money.
Take their money by extreme fines, by inobedience to the new law.
Like always the Roman Catholic Church goes hand in hand with the monarchy to stop the will of the people.
So, the mighty in Europe will never accept the peoples will in Spain.
They will not accept another Tsipras!

Keep alive

P.S. English is not my native language.

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